Shiatsu Jeannette Beumer Basel

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What is Shiatsu?

Shiatsu is a gentle and deeply relaxing form of bodywork which was developed in Japan from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and which works with the body’s meridian system.

In the Japanese language Shiatsu means “Finger pressure”. During the therapy the hands, thumbs, knees and elbows are used to sense the flow of energy in the meridians and through gently applied pressure to bring the energy back into balance. Rhythmic and deeply penetrating touch techniques along with stretching and rotation movements are used to activate the Chi, “the energy of life”, and to stimulate the body’s self-healing process. Shiatsu helps the body to find its natural balance, to release physical and emotional tensions and reduce stress.    

A tension-releasing Shiatsu therapy session opens the way to achieving an inner peace and strength, leading to an increased sense of well-being and vitality in Body, Mind and Soul.


When can Shiatsu be beneficent?

Shiatsu can aid the healing process after illness or accident and can help reduce stress and maintain health and well-being. It is a highly effective type of bodywork and is suitable for all ages.

It can be used as a treatment for the following

Physical symptoms:

For example, acute or chronic muscle and joint pain as a result of inner tension and stress. This includes shoulder and neck pain, back problems and migraine.



During Shiatsu the energy blockages are released and the energy flow becomes more balanced which assists the body’s self-healing power. A sense of deepening relaxation and calmness is attained. 



Due to the calming touch technique and its deep effect, Shiatsu can bring balance and inner peace, especially in stressful work or private life situations. 


Maintaining Health:

The rotations and stretching movements of Shiatsu help promote and maintain flexibility.  As in TCM the organ system is stimulated and problems with the digestion system, sleep and nervousness can be positively influenced.


Support in times of change and reassessment:

By assessing the current situation and strengthening the body’s resources, Shiatsu can provide an effective support to the body during times of change. Shiatsu is a valuable therapy to aid development and can also provide a meaningful accompaniment to psychotherapy treatment.    


During Pregnancy:

For the expectant mother Shiatsu brings strength and a deep awareness within her body. The gentle, protective therapeutic touch reaches both the mother and baby and unites them in a shared experience.



Shiatsu Gesellschaft Schweiz
ESI Europäisches Shiatsu Institut